Heello - Yeah ! Its A New Social Network

Are you a twitter freak ? If yes , then there is a blasting news for you . A new social networking site named Heello has been launched by the founder of Twitpic - Noah Everett which looks almost similar to Twitter . The design of the site is also like Twitter but the logo of Heello is a cloud instead of a bird . Athough , all the features are same as Twitter but tweets are known as pings at Heello and followers are known as listeners . Additionally , it also includes the latest feature of Twitter i.e. direct photo uploading feature . Apart from that , you can also send private messages to any individual you want .

 You can also integrate your Facebook and Twitter account to your Heello account . As I told you already that all the features are same as Twitter as it only allows us to put a maximum of 140 characters per ping . It also has a search function to search the users you want and send them messages by adding @username as the recipient ID . I hope that it will also rock over the social network like Google+ and Twitter ! What do you feel about this network , will it be able to grow like Twitter ?

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