15 Features Of iOS 5 That Will Make It Awesome

iOs is an operating system made by Apple specially for iPhone but now have been extended for other Apple devices including iPad , iPod and Apple TV . Now , Apple store contains over 500,000 apps for iOS which have been downloaded more than approximately 15 billion times . And recently Apple have announced to release the latest version of iOS i.e. iOS 5 in WWDC but they did not mentioned the stable date . They conveyed to release it after the fall of 2011 but developers already got the beta version . It is packed with over 200 awesome features but Apple did not mentioned all the features in the conference . They only unveiled about 15 features which are given below :-

[1] iCloud :- iCloud is one of the great feature to store your music , photos , apps , calendars , documents and more from your iOS 5 device . Not only for storing but iCloud can also push them to all your devices wirelessly and securely . It comes for free with iOS 5 , so store more and transfer more .

[2] Notification Center :- With Notification Center , you can get all notifications on your iOS device including emails , messages , friend requests etc . You can also customize your notifications as well that which notifications you want to see .

[3] iMessage :- With iMessage service , you can send unlimited text messages via Wi-Fi or 3G from your iOS device to another iOS device . Through iMessage , you can also send photos , videos , contacts and locations from your iOS device .

[4] NewsStand :- iOS 5 contains a news stand to manage all your subscriptions . You can access to all your Magazine and Newspaper app subscriptions in one place and organize them as well . And all you new subscriptions directly goes to your news stand default folder .

[5] Reminders :- Reminders lets you organize your life in to-do lists completely with due dates and locations . Reminders also works iCal , Outlook and iCloud . It becomes more awesome because of its location based reminder .

[6] Twitter Integration :- iOS 5 makes it more easy to tweet from your iOS device . Just sign in once , then you can suddenly tweet directly from Safari , Photos , Camera , YouTube , Map etc .

[7] Camera App :- iOS 5 includes an awesome camera app to make your memories more valuable . You can open the camera app right from the lock screen and compose your pictures on fly . All you need to do is to press the volume up button in order to capture a picture .

[8] Safari :- iOS 5 enables you to surf the web in a different manner from your iOS device using Safari web browser . Safari reader will help you to read web articles or feed without any ad and malware . Reading list will help you to save any web page at any time .

[9] PC Free :- Now there is no need of computer to own a iPad , iPhone , or iPod touch . You can easily download iOS apps directly from your iPad , iPhone or iPod touch and do more with your apps . You can also backup and restore your device with iCloud service .

[10] Improved Mail :- Now you don't need a computer to check your inbox and send mails to other . All you need to do is to integrate your email with your iOS 5 device and do what you like with your email . This new mail client also supports draggable addresses as well as flag messages .

[11] Game Center :- iOS is commonly known for its gaming portability . With iOS 5 , you can play multiplayer games with your friends with a wonderful experience . You can play games with new friends based on type of games and your interests .

[12] Wi-Fi Synchronization :- With iOS 5 , you can sync your device with your Mac or PC wirelessly over a shared Wi-Fi connection . But , your PC or Mac should have the latest version of iTunes to perform this task .

[13] Multitasking Gestures For iPad :- With iOS 5 , you can easily get your destination using your iPad's new moves and shortcuts . You can swap up your Taskbars using your five fingers within seconds .

[14] Airplay Mirroring For iPad 2 :- This is one of the great features of iOS 5 for your iPad 2 . You can easily connect your iPad 2 with your Apple TV wirelessly and securely .

[15] Better Calendar :- With iOS 5 , you can get more sophisticated calendar schedule with year view on iPad and week view on iPhone and iPad touch . You can attach any events on your Calendar without leaving the app .

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